Give to this project today!

By giving a financial contribution to this project, sharing this campaign, or offering other support, you are helping us bring rarely programmed and never-before-published music to the world.

Financial support can be given directly on this website or via Indiegogo! How to choose?

By giving directly, all of your funds will go towards the project. On Indiegogo, you will receive perks for your gift, but a small fraction will be withheld for platform fees.

Scroll down to learn more about how you can take action to support this campaign!

Make a direct donation.

The Robert F. French Fund and a Juilliard Career Grant awarded $7,500 towards the recording of these never-recorded or published manuscripts. These cover approximately 50% of total project expenses. Your support would carry this project to success. Make a direct contribution by clicking on the Donate Button.


The Indiegogo campaign was launched with this website in order to reach a larger public audience. There are opportunities to give smaller donation amounts.

For gifts of $15 USD and above, you will receive exclusive perks.

At higher levels of giving, your name will be recognized in publicity materials for your contribution to funding this project.

Some exclusive perks include, but are not limited to:

  • a digital download of the album before the public release

  • a physical CD of the album before the public release

  • a handwritten thank-you note

  • single small LPs of a single work from the album (limited number, work depends on gift amount)

  • a large LP featuring all Ysaÿe arrangements with organ (limited number)

  • a 30-minute one-on-one meeting with Max Tan to discuss the project or music generally (in-person or virtually depending on location)

  • a private performance hosted by you and curated by Max Tan and other collaborating artists (logistics to be discussed)

  • digital download of video footage of the recording session

For more information, please visit the Indiegogo Campaign for this project to learn more about giving levels and associated benefits.

You can access the campaign at